Phage Therapy 2024: Towards Personalized Phage Therapy

The 7th World Conference on Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 on June 20-21 at Corinthia Palace in Malta was a great success. Over 40 presentations on the latest phage research were delivered to an audience of over 100 attendees representing 35 countries. Read more.

Captured Moments.

Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 Replay

You can catch up on all the details of the 7th World Conference of Targeting Phage Therapy by requesting access to the conference recordings for the period of 3 weeks. Access Replay.

Abstracts Book 2024 is Available

The Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 Abstract Book has been released with DOI. 

You can now gain access to the abstracts of 40 communications highlighting advancements in phage therapy.

Highlights of Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 

Speakers Lineup 2024

Keynote Speech: Clinical Trials in Phage Therapeutics: Looking Under the Hood

Robert T. Schooley

University of California, San Diego, USA

Introduction to Targeting Phage Therapy 2024

Marvin Edeas

INSERM – Institut Cochin, Université de Paris, France

Adaptive Phage Therapy in The Intensive Care Unit: From Science to Patients

Ekaterina Chernevskaya

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology, Russia

Magistral Phage Preparations: Is This the Model for Everyone?

Jean-Paul Pirnay

Queen Astrid Military Hospital, Belgium

Mycobacteriophages and Their Therapeutic Potential

Graham F. Hatfull

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Phage Therapy: A Glimpse into Clinical Studies Involving Over 150 Cases

Nannan Wu

Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, China

Genetic Engineering of Phages to Target Intracellular Bloodstream E.coli Infections

Antonia P. Sagona

University of Warwick, United Kingdom

The Phageome in Normal and Inflamed Human Skin

Wolfgang Weninger

Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Modern Concepts of Phage Therapy: An Immunologist’s Vision

Besarion Lasareishvili

Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology, Georgia

Improving Phages Through Experimental Evolution

Frederic Bertels

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany

Who Attended Targeting Phage Therapy 2024?

Cellexus (Supporter)
Precision Phage (Supporter)
Jafral (Supporter)

A&P Inphatec
MB Pharma
PHAXIAM Therapeutics

Rime Bioinformatics
Phage Consulting

Laboratorios Syva
ACD Pharma
Atlantic Technological University
Agricultural University of Athens
Agricultural University of Georgia
Bermuda Government
BG Klinikum Bergmannstrost Halle

Centro De Calidad Avícola Y Alimentación Animal De La Comunidad Valenciana
Charité Research Organisation GmbH

CHU Helora Mons
European Plotkin Institute for Vaccinology
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne 
Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology
Fudan University
Goethe University Frankfurt
Hannover Medical School
Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
International Antiviral Society
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje

Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics 
Jena University Hospital
King Abdullah International Medical Research Center
KU Leuven
Leibnitz Institute of Fresh Water and Inland Fisheries
Masaryk University
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
McMaster University
Medical University of South Carolina

Medical University of Vienna
Nanyang Technological University

National Institutes of Health
Queen Astrid Military Hospital
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center
Università degli Studi di Milano
Universitat de València
Université Laval
University Hospital Erlangen
University Hospital Jena
University Hospital of Liège
University of Bologna
Université libre de Bruxelles 

University of California San Diego
University of Copenhagen
University of Gdansk
University of Helsinki
University of Liverpool
University of Milan
University of Pittsburgh
University of Roma Tor Vergata
University of Warsaw
University of Warwick
Victor Babes University of Medicine Timișoara
Waseda University

Yale University
Yıldız Technical University

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