Dr. Sandra-Maria Wienhold, from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany will talk about “Bacteriophage therapy for lung infections: recent scientific advances” during Targeting Phage & Antibiotic Resistance Congress which will be held at October 2 – 3, 2017 at Florence, Italy.
Dr. Sandra-Maria Wienhold, veterinarian and researcher in Prof. Martin Witzenrath´s lab (lunglab.de) at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, dedicates her scientific work to the development of novel therapeutic options for lung diseases, including pneumonia and ventilator induced lung injury. Using experimental in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo techniques the Witzenrath Lab aims at translating novel achievements of basic science into clinical perspectives. One of the current projects aims at providing scientific evidence for the use of bacteriophages produced under GMP conditions against multiresistent gramnegative bacteria. Preclinical evaluations are under investigation and clinical studies will be performed.